Take a Look Back
Take a look back at more than 12 years of the Psychology One Conference!
June 27th and 28th
Penn Pavilion, Duke University
Featured Speakers
Missy Beers
The Ohio State
The Bigger Picture: Introductory Psychology's Place in General Education
Sue Franz
Highline College and New Mexico State University
An Intro Psych Course That Matters: What Our Neighbors Need to Know
Barbara Fredrickson
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
The Goods in Everyday Life: Implications for Individual Well-being and Classroom Culture
Conference Schedule

June 22nd and 23rd
Penn Pavilion, Duke University
Featured Speakers
David Myers
Hope College
Misinformation and Education in a Post-Truth Age
Afiya Mbilishaka
Getting the Parts Straight: Integrating Hair, Heritage, and Health in Introductory Psychology
Danny Oppenheimer
Carnegie Meloon University
Choosing to Learn: The Value of Autonomy in a Post-Secondary Education
Conference Schedule

Featured Speakers
Erin Hardin
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Building Better Citizens Through Intro Psych
Keith Payne
UNC, Chapel Hill
How Ecomomic Inequality Shapes Thinking and Well-Being
Conference Schedule

2021 (Virtual)

2020 (CANCelLeD)
Featured Speakers
Stephen Chew
Samford University
Student Trust in the Teacher: Its Impact on Motivation, Perseverance, and Learning
Elizabeth Marsh
Duke University
The Science of Misinformation: A Cognitive Psych Perspective on Fake News and False Beliefs
Conference Schedule

2013-2018 (Coming Soon)
2012 (Inaugural Conference)
July 12th and 13th
Paul Brest Hall, Stanford University
Featured Speakers
Charles L. Brewer
Furman University
Reflections on Teaching General Psychology for Fifty Years
Philip Zimbardo
Stanford University
Making Psychology Come Alive
Conference Schedule