Submit a Proposal
This form is for attendees who have already submitted our interest form and want to submit a proposal. Please submit your interest form first to ensure you will be able to register for the conference!
You may propose ideas for the following:
Brief, 15-minute interactive demonstration of a teaching technique
Brief, 15-minute presentation on your research related to teaching and learning
45-60 minute small-group (roundtable) discussion on a topic of interest
The deadline for full consideration of proposals has been extended to Saturday, March 8th. Later proposals will be considered if space in the program is available, particularly for small-group discussion topics.
Authors of accepted proposals for presentations will have an opportunity to publish summaries of their presentations (1000 words or less) in the Society for Teaching of Psychology's e-book series: Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2024-25, edited by Heather Scherschel and Darrell Rudmann (check out the 2021-22 Teaching Tips on the STP website).
You may submit ideas for multiple categories. Any questions about this form or the submission process may be directed to
Did you want to upload additional materials after submitting the form? You can do that here.